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Park Rides & Attractions << Game Machines|Game Machine Manufacturers

Rotary Plane For Amusement Rides

Rotary Plane For Amusement Rides

This Park Rides design with colorful Plane, it's attract a lot of children to play with it. it can be loaded 8 passengers, rise and fall with dulcet music . You can choose it with Hydraulic or Lever . and price for Lever style.


Spideman Carousel(3 players) For Amusement Rides

Spideman Carousel(3 players) For Amusement Rides

This Spideman Carousel features simple design, 3 spidemans carry children turning up and down , music will start playing during the rides.


Faery Carousel(3 players) For Amusement Rides

Faery Carousel(3 players) For Amusement Rides

This Faery Carousel features simple design, 3 Faery carry children turning up and down , music will start playing during the rides.


Horse Carousel( 3 Players) For Amusement Rides

Horse Carousel( 3 Players) For Amusement Rides

This Horse Carousel features simple design, it carry children turning up and down , music will start playing during the rides.


Bee Carousel For Amusement Rides

Bee Carousel For Amusement Rides

This Bee Carousel features simple design, 3 Bees carry children turning up and down , music will start playing during the rides . it made by high-quality Fiberglass.


Little Car Carousel For Amusement Rides

Little Car Carousel For Amusement Rides

This Little Car Carousel features simple design, 3 Cars carry children turning up and down , music will start playing during the rides . it made by high-quality Fiberglass.


Mechanical Dogs Carousel For Amusement Rides

Mechanical Dogs Carousel For Amusement Rides

This Mechanical Dogs Carousel features simple design, 3 Dogs carry children turning up and down , music will start playing during the rides . it made by high-quality Fiberglass.


Ocean World Carousel For Amusement Rides

Ocean World Carousel For Amusement Rides

This Ocean World Carousel features simple design, it carry children turning up and down , music will start playing during the rides . it made by high-quality Fiberglass.

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Jellyfish Amusement Park Rides(32 Players)

Jellyfish Amusement Park Rides(32 Players)

This cute jellyfish ride is in rotating movement, include 8 cups, one cup for 4 players; it decorated with colorful body, bright lights.

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Bee Flying Auto Amusement Park Ride

Bee Flying Auto Amusement Park Ride

This bee flying auto ride is in rotating movement, with bright color: yellow. It can take 12 chirdren or 9 adult.

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Small Pendulum Amusement Park Ride

Small Pendulum Amusement Park Ride

This small pendulum amusement park ride machine for 6 players, it decorate with some bright bumbs,swing forward and backward.
It come with strong holders and seat belt for safety.

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